Here's what you need ro remember:
1) Put the kite on the water (photo). In high winds, a kite flying in the air is more dangerous than one parked on the water.
If you are far from land, let the floating kite bring you closer to a beach before activating the depower system.
2) Activate your kite's depower system. You must know how this works, so check your kite manual, and practice it several times in CALM weather before you NEED it. This will render the kite powerless, and you can walk your hands up thecenter lines to grab your kite. (Do NOT grab the steering lines, as the kite will relaunch.)
SteveCam video "How to depower a kite":
3) LAST RESORT: If you can't get control of your kite, OR you are over-powered after pulling your depower release, AND there is no one nearby to help you, ... in other words, your LIFE is in serious danger, THEN and only then, let the kite go(by pulling your leash safety release! It is better to lose a kite than your life. Please note that a loose kite is dangerous to others kiters, it can cause a traffic accident if it lands on a highway, and not to mention your gear can get seriously damaged, so only release your kite leash if absolutely necessary.
... hey, I think I see a palm tree waving to me out my window. The wind is calling, gotta go. See you out there!
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